Friday, May 22, 2009

over 10% price hike in the UK and 55€ cashback

When you click on the prices on the right, you will notice that the prices are much higher than I posted a few months ago. I guess that reflects the weak Pound. But on the bright side Canon has in May a 50 Pound - 55€ cashback promotion for the SX1 SX10 cameras.

Monday, May 18, 2009

CHDK on SX1 and SX10

It seems the the development of the chdk to add new features to the SX series is well under way.
I just saw the nice timelapse video rexburke did:
Taken with a Canon SX1IS, running CHDK (still Beta) and the Ultra Interval script.

Shot 300 frames at 5 second intervals in Av mode with video compiled using PhotoLapse (freeware) at 15fps

I tried it at 30 fps for smoother viewing but the clouds wizz by too fast. Maybe better to have shot it at 2~3 second intervals.